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Erica Cherry Tells the story of her first time dressing as a girl in public. A very anticlimactic story, but here it is. xoxoxo!! Pass...
In this video I'm discussing things I wish I knew before I Transitioned. There are my own experiences and I wish I saw a video like th...
Tucking is defined by the Transgender Health Information Program as ways one can hide the penis and testes, such as moving the penis and...
Every step by step tip and trick you need to know on how to transform and feminize your face with makeup! Whether it be nose contourin...
Becky Boulton : Hey Dolls!x Hope we've all been good these past couple weeks! I have missed you all lots and wanted to make another ...
One of the best things about being a woman is having CURVES galore! But maybe you’re wondering… It is really possible to look like ...
If you have facial hair, then you know how challenging a beard shadow can be in your quest for a feminine face. There’s a lot of advic...
Eyebrows are one of your most important facial features. The difference they can make on your face is amazing! Don’t believe me? Che...